Monday, November 30, 2015

final thoughts

Hello and welcome back, I would first like to thank you for being avid readers of the blog up to this point and let you know that unfortunately, this will be my final post on the blog.  I hope I was able to teach you something new or shape your view on the relationship between super villains and superheroes in some way. I had a great time researching and forming an opinion on the relationship between heroes and villains and I can only hope you had as great of a time following the blog.

When I first started this project I had never read a comic book or watched an entire superhero movie. I now have a new found understanding and appreciation not only for villains but for the comic world in general. By doing this project, I learned more than anticipated, I learned the importance of protagonist and antagonist roles in everyday life as well as how to analyze a picture and see the many different things that a simple line could have. I am now able to see the value of many things I have dismissed in the past as irrelevant or unimportant and I am hopeful that you were able to get the same appreciation out of reading my posts. Where I once saw a generic bad guy in a movie, I now empathize with a misunderstood delinquent who is living a life style he feels is proper. A relationship I dismissed as bad guy vs good guy, I now see as a villain pushing a hero to be the best version of themselves, pushing them to their limits, causing them to question their morals and ultimately helping them grow for the better. Most importantly, I found and appreciation for the “villains” and “evil” in my life and a gratitude for how they have helped me grow into the strong version of myself.  

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