Thursday, November 12, 2015

Three New Sources: Why are villains good?

Hello readers! Welcome back! Today I will be summarizing three new sources that I have not yet used in order to further strengthen my argument that "Superheroes need villains." I hope that you enjoy!

In this article, the author is both knowledgeable and credible. The author is knowledgeable because she uses real life examples to show the value and benefits of villains vs. heroes.  She is very much credible because she is the author of a book that discusses philosophical ideas.  Her intended audience is most likely teenagers to adults because she uses real life current events that we might have seen on the news. I believe that this article is sponsored by Springer Link, a database for scientific documents and articles.  This site was intended to form an argument, and in this one paragraph, specifically, whether or not villains are good. This site is from the year 2012, therefore we are most likely familiar with the incidents that she talks about. 
(Markovits, Julia. "Saints, Heroes, Sages, and Villains." Springer Link, 2012. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.)

In this article, the author discusses the value of villains in the society.  This author is also both knowledgable and credible in his discussion. The author proves to be knowledgable because he did a study on villains, and he seems to be credible because he does a lot of media work with newspapers and has even started his own media platform. The authors intended audience is probably college students or young adults because he makes connections throughout the article as a former college student.  This site was intended to discuss the authors opinions about villains and why they should be given more credit in society. He looks into villains backstories and proves why they are valuable.  This site is from 2012, therefore he is probably up to date with all of the "hero vs. villain" news. 
(Schultz, Dan. "The Value of a Super Villain." N.p., 2012. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.)

In this article, the author is describing all of Wonder Woman's different villains and why each of them were important to her. This author is credible because he is posting his articles through a website named "Newsarama" which specializes in comic book information and history since 1998. The author is obviously very knowledgable considering he is able to list all of Wonder Woman's enemies. The authors intended audience is most likely teenagers because most teenagers are starting or already have an interest in comic books. This site is intended to inform people about Wonder Woman's unknown villains and elaborate on the relationships that the hero had with all of them.  This site is very current, 2015, therefore, all of the information he has given is up to date and collected from all of the Wonder Woman comics from the beginning. 
(Marston, George. "Top 10 WONDER WOMAN VILLAINS of All Time." Newsarama, 2015. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.)

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