Thursday, November 12, 2015

Three More Sources: Batman's Relationship With His Villains

In “Recycling Victims and Villains in Batman Returns”, Susan M. Bernardo argues that Batman films and series consistently reuse and recycle the same victims and villains to effectively interest the viewers with the twisted background of the characters. The author supports her claim by describing characters that appeared in the film “Batman Returns” and previously in the Batman series, such as the Penguin, Max Shreck, and Catwoman. She also cites sources to further his point such as an interview with the director of the film essentially supporting his position. Susan did not utilize any statistical information, however her logical conclusions lack any noticeable fallacies.
Entertainment Weekly posted an article called Batman Battles New Bat Villains, by Jenna Brennan and Cindy Pearlman, describing the next characters Batman is expected to fight in the upcoming film, at the time, “Batman Forever”. Credibility is lost when considering the time difference from the articles original publication to now, however it can still be utilized to emphasize a valid point that Batman’s villains create the perfect enemies to Batman that cannot be replaced. Jenna and Cindy found a lot of sources of interviews of the actors and uncovered the other actors that were casted to play in the similar movie enforcing their credibility.
In a blog post on Comic Vine, Tony ‘G-Man’ Guerrero posted his article “Off My Mind: Are Batman's Villains Reflections of his Personality?” where he presents his idea that Batman reflects his villains. Although the sources is not entirely credible, he does present some interesting points, such as the comparison between several of Batman’s villains and his personality. Interestingly, he has an extremely open mind about his topic, directly asking the readers to contribute. Although this may detract from his prime argument, it does show his credibility and open-mindedness with new ideas that may be presented to him making him a credible source.

Bernardo, Susan M. "Recycling Victims and Villains in Batman Returns." Literature Film Quarterly 22.1 (1994): 16. Communication & Mass Media CompleteTM. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
Brennan, Judy, and Cindy Pearlman. "Batman Battles New Bat Villains." Entertainment Weekly 225 (1994): 9. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
"Off My Mind: Are Batman's Villains Reflections of His Personality?" Comic Vine. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.

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