Thursday, November 19, 2015

Batman's Thanksgiving

In this video Bruce Wayne is struggling to find people to connect with so he turns to one of his only friends, Alfred. Bruce asks Alfred to find some people that he can connect with, but soon realizes that no one he knows truly understands him. Later that evening, Alfred catches Bruce talking to, what would appear to be a close friend. Bruce tell Alfred that he has found a service that allows him to talk with people who truly get him. Alfred, upon seeing the overjoyed Bruce Wayne, decides to call the number of this service and he is greeted by the answering machine of Arkham Asylum. In our blog we talk about how the relationships between the hero and the villain is very dynamic and complex, and this is what makes villains so interesting to read about. In our video we show that Bruce has such strong and deep connections with his villains that, perhaps if circumstances were different, they could even be friends. Our video demonstrates this by showing Bruce connecting with the people he put away in Arkham Asylum.

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