Thursday, October 15, 2015

through someone else's eyes.

Hello, fellow comic enthusiast! Great to have you back! This week rather than telling you our opinions about the relationship between Heroes and Villains, we decided to shake thing up a bit and interview people not affiliated with this blog to see how other comic book reader felt about the topic. I will be asking a friend of mine, Sam, who has never read this blog and would therefore not be influenced by my ideas in any way. 

Do you consider yourself as someone who knows a lot about comics?
“I consider myself to be pretty familiar with comics since I was grew up in a school where it was expected for boys to idolize superheroes and know everything from their powers to their moral codes.”
Where did you get your knowledge from?
“I obtained my knowledge from comic strips, movies, and video games. Although I enjoy watching Marvel movies, DC had my favorite characters.
What is your favorite comic?
“Batman, definitely…by a long shot”
Favorite superhero and super villain? Why?
“Again, batman is my favorite and as you can imagine the joker was my favorite villain. Both of the characters were so extreme and I felt so attached to both of their characters I almost wanted the joker to win at times.”
How would you describe a superhero?
“A superhero is like an epic version of all of us. They have all the traits we wish we all had like the ability to control the world but the morality not to. They’re just all the best things you could think of hidden behind spandex and a mask.”
How would you describe a supervillain?
Super villains are just as cool. They are actually probably what makes superheroes cool because it gives them something fight for and they push the hero so much that they question themselves and their values. Also, we get to picture what it would be like if we let all our demands decide for us and the chaos that would accompany that decision.”
What makes a good superhero?
“A good superhero is one that has gone through something traumatic that drives him to think a certain way and act on those thoughts. Like they hate evil so they want to save the world from evil? I don’t know? And it doesn’t hurt for them to have like kick A** powers and a sick costume, you know?
What makes a good villain?
A good villain is one that is super crazy like the Joker. He like tempts you to be evil because his character is so believable and he tests batman so much! He’s just great!
Do you think they have a good relationship or bad relationship? Elaborate?
“I think they have a good relationship, like it’s not all hate. I think they need each other equally and Batman secretly likes him, I mean he’s saved his life a few times.”
Do you think a comic could survive without either character?
“NO! I think they both need each other equally and even the city needs them. Like Batman needs the joker so that he would have someone to fight but also someone who tests his values. And the joker needs Batman because just like any misunderstood trouble maker, he’s just looking for someone to correct him and give his negative behavior attention.”
Do you see yourself more in the hero, villain, or both? Explain?
“I see myself in both of them because I’m crazy and wild like the joker but also I have morals and I’m a good person like Batman. They’re just extreme versions of me.”
Favorite Hero villain relationship? Why?
“Batman and Joker, I already told you why!”
Villain hero relationship you liked the least? Why?

“Ummm, I don’t know... I can’t think of one. Probably one where the villain dies really fast or is defeated really fast and you don’t even care because you never really felt connected to him. I guess like just a generic bad guy type of villain? I can’t think of an example in comics but in general when the point of the story is just for the good guy to win and neither character effects the mindset of the other then it sucks!”

How do you feel about the Superhero-super villain relationship?

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