Thursday, October 15, 2015

Talking with a Legend

Welcome back readers, for today's post I had the pleasure of interviewing one of the biggest authorities of comic books on the west coast, and a personal friend, Michael Byres. Michael has been the lead director of the Emerald City Comic Con (ECCC) since its inception until this year. The ECCC is the largest comic convention in the U.S. excluding San Diago obviously, and Michael owns a chain of comic stores through all of Seattle. Basically, he lives and breathes comics and I have the privilege of calling him my personal friend and our interviewe for today. So this is how the interview went.
Logan: "So question one, do you consider yourself knowledgeable about comics?"

Michael: "(chuckles) Yeah I'd say so."

Logan: "(chuckles) Okay, next, what is your favorite comic?"

Michael: "Favorite of all time, uh, The Dark Pheonix saga of X-Men."

Logan: "Okay, what is your favorite villain and why?"

Michael: "Dr. Doom, because he's not a 'bad guy' because he truly thinks he's doing the right thing, and that he's the right guy to rule the world."

Logan: "Can a comic survive without a villain?"

Michael: "In general you need a super villain to drive sales, some smaller marginal books exist without one, but Marvel and DC need villains."

Logan: "What is your favorite villain hero relationship?"

Michael: "Batman and Joker, because for the longest time no one, not even Batman, could figure this guy out. Only now are we beginning to see there true relationship."

Logan: "What makes a good villain?"

Michael: "They must be relatable, so the reader can realize that they are doing what they think is right."

Logan: "What makes a good superhero?"

Michael: "Its almost the opposite, they must show faults and be so selfless that they will save people even if it's against there personal morals."

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