Thursday, October 8, 2015

Welcome back readers. For this post I will be analyzing an artical found in the CSUN library database. The artical, "Holding Out for a Hero: Reganism, Comic Book Vigilantes, and Captian America" brings up many points but I will be focusing on his claim that Superheroes (and Regan) are Renegades. If heroes are truly renegades, then that would in fact make them villains. It is true that many Super heroes act according to their own moral code rather than the law, and so in the eyes of the law, they would be villans. However, can acting in the interests of the greater good be truly classified as evil?
 I disagree with the notion that Superheros are renegades, and therefor by extension villains. For example, if we look at a typical day for the Flash we can see him beat up bad guys, drop some people off in prison, return stolen goods, maybe even defeat a super villian. All of those acts are objectivity good things and benefit the public, so how can it be framed as evil acts? In order to be classifiy someone as a villian is to look at the result of their actions. If everything they do is self centered and not in the interest of the greater good, that's a villian. If they act in the best interests of the public, then they are a hero.

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