Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Immortal Joker

The Immortal Joker
The Joker, Batman’s longtime arch nemesis, consecutively faces death confronting Batman and repeatedly places himself in life-threatening situations. Batman's goal is to stop all the evil from happening, including killing The Joker, even if it may lead to more conflict in the future. It is a cycle that Batman has caught himself in when fighting The Joker, he refuses to kill anyone despite the plethora of harm they cause to everyone. Batman even goes as far as to save The Joker from his imminent doom. For example, during the video game “Batman: Arkham Origins” The Joker and Batman are standing on top of a tower and Bane shoots the Joker from a helicopter with a rocket launcher causing the Joker to willingly fall of the tower to his imminent doom. As seen here:

The surprising scene reveals the conflicting relationship between Batman and The Joker, where The Batman refuses to let The Joker die despite all the evil he has done. This realization reflects Batman’s superhero character and his one rule: never kill. This shows Batman’s ultimate good, where even the worst super villains in the city do not deserve Death. Despite this the argument can be made that Batman is consequently harming the city and himself by allowing such an evil character live. However, Batman always stops the evil acts of The Joker as soon as he is able to, and if he wanted to see The Joker wreak havoc throughout the city he would allow it for a time then stop him.
Batman and The Joker’s relationship is a complicated one, where one tries to only make the life of the other harder and to break his one rule. Batman will go as far to risk his life and save The Joker, who will continue his reign of mischievous acts, than allow him to die. This raises the perplexing question: Should Batman allow The Joker to die for the greater good?

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