Thursday, September 24, 2015

Do superheroes and super villains need EACHOTHER?

Hello readers! This week I will be discussing why both the superhero and the super villain need each other in order to survive. A man named Mark Enright is that author of many articles that discuss topics about both superheroes and general, everyday writing.  In this article, Enright discusses how important the superhero and super villain are to each other. He discusses how without a super villain, would we even need heroes?  Enright discusses how without the Joker, Batman would probably not have revealed his true powers on normal, everyday criminals.  Villains also help the hero become more popular - of course, people admire heroes for stopping crime, but they are more interested in their fights against the villains.  On the other hand, think about this: what would villains do without superheroes? The villains would probably enjoy ruling the world and having dominance over all of the people, but they would probably only enjoy that for so long. After ruling the humans and constantly defeating their weak "heroes," the villain would get bored and look for a new hobby.  

Enright states that "without villains, there would be no heroes," and I agree because the hero really does need the villain in order to survive.  If there were no villains, the hero would not be able to use his powers against a criminal correctly because of the uneven balance of power.  Villains also help heroes be "pushed to greater accomplishments." Because the villains are constantly pulling new trick out of their sleeves, the heroes have to be on their toes in order to stop the villains.  The heroes must think of new ways to defeat their villains which "pushes" them to do greater, tougher things.  In Enright's view, "Having a strong villain to test their wits against creates suspense and keeps the reader coming back for more." I agree with his statement because it is very true, the content fighting and outsmarting between the hero and villain attracts readers and leaves them wondering "what is next?”. Honestly, can you imagine the Wonder Woman without the Cheetah? Or Superman without Lex Luthor? Probably not.  These heroes would be a bunch of “nobody’s” without their famous villain, and vice versa.

Enright, Mark.  "Why superheroes & super villains need each other" Superhero Nation. 17 Sep. 2013. Web. 24 Sep. 2015. 

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